My Crazy Beautiful Happy Family
Yesterday, ALL of us (the above picture is enough explanation as to why I did not just list everyone who participated in this) surprised my Mom (the woman in the white shirt) with a professional family photo shoot. I, however, am obsessed with taking photos so I took plenty of my own on my phone, and mom sent me some from her phone, and I did a little editing and I have to say... I have one BEAUTIFUL family!
Amber (28)
Bryan and Amber were High School sweethearts... They later got married and started a beautiful football team --I mean... FAMILY, of boys. The boys are so stinking smart and handsome and awesome and... just precious. I love them so much, and I thank Bryan for making my sister so happy and being a great father to the boys!
Mike (25)
This guy. This is my brother. He has always been pretty hard-headed, and somewhat annoying... but he's also always been there for me when I needed him to be a "tough guy". He was always trying to intimidate my boyfriends when I was younger, and even as I got older. He would never let anyone even THINK of hurting me. I constantly tease him and he returns the gesture, but deep down... wayyy down there... like, if you put on your scuba gear and went way down inside to the bottom of my heart... You'd see that he is the best big brother I could have ever asked for, and I love him way more than he realizes.
He is now a father to a BEAUTIFUL baby girl named Kinsley, and her mother, Jerrica, is just as beautiful. Together they make a wonderful, beautiful, happy little family.
These two guys have been a blessing to our family. My mom recently remarried, and added another target -- I mean... Brother into my family portrait. Les and Corey are great guys and we have already grown close to each other as a family. I am so lucky to have them in my life.
The Woman in the white shirt
I truly enjoyed seeing the excitement on your face while we took family pictures together, and I hope you get tons of pictures to keep, hang, share, etc... but more importantly, I hope that you had the time of your life making memories with your loved ones.
I love you so much, and will forever be grateful to live this life God allowed YOU to give me.
I dont think I could have held back a tear if my life were at stake. But to let you know they are flowing as a river, but as they flow down my cheeks they are soaking up the words and pictures I am viewing. I am the most blessed of Mothers. I never thought I could love my children more than the first sight or touch, but I was wrong. The love God gave me at the birth of each child and grandchild was so small compared to the love He has shown and nurtured between us and is forever growing deeper and stronger. I thank God for blessing me with this wonderful family though so underserving I am. They ARE my backbone, to break or to build. ..for ever and ever..because they are my life and my love and because........
ReplyDeleteI AM MOM!!!♥