In Loving Memory of Kyle Ryan Casey
7/23/1992 - 12/20/2013
7/23/1992 - 12/20/2013

I come to you this morning with a heavy heart. I woke up and the first Facebook status I see was from Kyle. The next thing I know, I'm at work and all I see on my news feed is RIP Kyle Casey; he had died in a car accident. Everyone is in complete shock.
It is so scary how fast life can be taken from you. Although God has a reason for everything, it's still very hard for us to grasp when it happens.
Kyle left behind a daughter, while joining his other in Heaven. I can't imagine the hurt of the little one, but I can just picture the angel that left us not long ago, running to her Daddy with open arms. Addison was less than a year old when she flew up to Heaven, and now she is ready to have her Daddy there to take care of her. Being so close to Christmas, she must have asked Santa for her Daddy, and now they can be together forever.

To Kevin Casey, Kyle's brother, my heart hurts the most for you, as I knew how much you boys loved each other.
For the rest of the family, be strong. Let him see you smile, and know that he is with his little girl... Running, and playing.
Kyle, Rest Easy. You will be greatly missed.
My daughter, you must have the BIGGEST heart. I am so proud of you and I pray for peace and comfort for Kyle's family. And rejoice for the reunion in Heaven for him and Addison.