Another year has come and gone... Woah, it's like Deja Vu; I feel like we were JUST ringing in the new year of 2013. Where has the time gone?
With every new year, we all go through a list in our minds of things we plan to change, and a lot of times we make goals that are nearly impossible to achieve.
Why? Why set yourself up for failure? Why not make your New Year's Resolution something that isn't such a big change, but would be good for you and possibly others?
Taking that into consideration... This year, I have a simple list of 3 goals for myself to work toward in 2014. Just by achieving these 3 things, I will be so much happier in 2014.
1 I want to show more love to everyone around me. I want everyone I love to know that they mean the world to me. I don't want to leave people with an impression that I don't care about them. Being negative towards people (whether it's to their face or behind their back) will not make you any happier. I believe that if we all saw each other as normal people, through all of our flaws (because we ALL have them), that there would be less judging, less hatred, and less DRAMA. The only drama we should know of is that on TV and movies. If you have issues with people, sit down and think. Why do you dislike that person so much? Is it jealousy? Is it the way they look? The way they act? Think about it and ask yourself; Is that reason really worth the stress that comes with disliking that person? If the answer is no, |get over it| and MOVE FORWARD! 2 I want to be healthier. I don't want to lose a certain amount of weight, and I CERTAINLY do not want to eat rabbit food all the time. I DO, however, want to continue going to the gym (and maybe not skip so many days), take more walks with my dog, drink more water, and cut down on my stress. Mental health is just as important as physical. I am not setting any goals that require me to "hit a certain number". Those goals are more likely to turn into failed attempts. By setting goals for yourself that do not require you to reach a set number or level, you will more than likely find yourself successfully achieving those goals, and possibly even surpassing previous goals you would have normally set for yourself to reach.
3 I want to sing more. I have loved singing ever since I could make a sound, but after my Nanny passed away, I haven't had much of a song to sing. 2014 is going to change that. I know that Nanny would roll over in her grave if I ever stopped singing completely. She was my biggest fan and always made sure I had somewhere to sing, even if it was just in front of family. So look out YouTube, Facebook, friends & family! 'Cause I WILL be heard in 2014.
What are YOUR New Year's Resolutions? I wanna know!
***Everyone have fun tonight ringing in the New Year, and PLEASE... BE SAFE! You want to say goodbye to 2013, not to your life here on Earth!***
Ever since I can remember I've always had an obsession with music. My dad was always in a band growing up and I couldn't get enough of it! I loved hearing him sing and play the guitar. I loved watching all of the people he played for, applauding him and whistling and screaming for him, and I knew I wanted that to be me one day.
When I was about 11 I got the guts to get on the stage with him and sing along with another girl to "Mama He's Crazy" by The Judds. I got really comfortable with that so we started singing more songs together. Eventually, I wanted everyone to hear ME. Just me.
The following family reunion, my Nanny (grandma) asked me if I would sing "Daddy's Hands" in front of the family... So, I did. I was a little nervous to sing by myself, but the reaction I got from everyone would soon fire up my passion for singing. Everyone was in complete awe as I sang my little country heart out. They all started screaming and clapping for me, and I knew from that moment forward, I wanted to do this; I wanted to sing.
I practiced that song with my Daddy at home to get all the kinks out, and then... The next Saturday night, I went solo on my first song at the Red Barn where the band played. I got on stage and once again, everyone was in awe. They knew I could sing, but could only hear my voice mixed with the other girl. When they all heard me sing that song by myself, I thought I would never make it back to my seat. They were all so eager to come up and hug me and tell me how great I was. The best part about it? They all talked about how I got it from my Daddy. Growing up loving to watch him, and then hearing that I was like him, just made me want to do it even more!
I continued to sing more and more at the Red Barn, and when I turned 16, I auditioned for American Idol. Now, some people seem to think that when you audition for one of these shows, you're automatically one of those people on TV that everyone loves or laughs at. No.
These singing competitions typically have 2-3 rounds of auditions before you ever make it to the televised auditions. If you think of how many people go out to the first audition (thousands upon thousands) you would realize, all of those people can not be on the televised auditions. The show would never end.
So I went to Atlanta, Georgia and auditioned at the Georgia Dome, and was turned away at the first audition. However, dude beside me in a "fat suit" made it to the next level. That was when I realized that I didn't want to be on a show that allowed people on just to get laughed at. I wanted to find a competition that was looking strictly for talented singers.
I continued singing at the Red Barn until I was about 19 and eventually, Dad quit the band. I didn't really sing much after that, other than occasionally in church and at a few military events. And when I lost Nanny, I truly had no song to sing.
Nanny was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer around late July-early August of 2011. The doctors gave her 3 months, but by September 9th it had spread to her liver and she left this earth to be in Heaven.
It has been over 2 years since she passed away, and it's still extremely hard for me, but I know that if she could be here, she would NOT be very happy with me if she knew I had stopped singing.
So, on February 1st of 2014, I will be in Nashville, Tennessee... Auditioning for The Voice. I started a fundraiser to try to raise some money for a hotel, gas, food, etc... Because I have to be prepared to stay there from Friday to Friday, in case of a call back audition. If you don't know... That adds up to be very expensive. I will sleep in my car if I must, and I will eat sandwiches from home... But I will be going to Tennessee on the 31st of January, and I pray to God I get to stay for that second audition!
If anyone would like to help out, you can go to my GoFundMe page to make a donation. Anything helps!
Yesterday, ALL of us (the above picture is enough explanation as to why I did not just list everyone who participated in this) surprised my Mom (the woman in the white shirt) with a professional family photo shoot. I, however, am obsessed with taking photos so I took plenty of my own on my phone, and mom sent me some from her phone, and I did a little editing and I have to say... I have one BEAUTIFUL family!
Amber (28)
This beautiful woman is my sister, and one of my best friends. We have been through so much together, and we always help each other through anything. I am so thankful to have been lucky enough to have her in my life, to learn so much and to be so close. She is the sweetest person you will ever meet! Some people say we look alike, and I take that as a HUGE compliment. I have always looked up to my sister and wanted to be more like her. She's always been so kind to others, she's an amazing mother to her three boys, and she is absolutely GORGEOUS, inside and out! (She can also rock the heck out of some red hair!)
Bryan, Talon, Logan, & Brayden Bryan and Amber were High School sweethearts... They later got married and started a beautiful football team --I mean... FAMILY, of boys. The boys are so stinking smart and handsome and awesome and... just precious. I love them so much, and I thank Bryan for making my sister so happy and being a great father to the boys!
Mike (25) This guy. This is my brother. He has always been pretty hard-headed, and somewhat annoying... but he's also always been there for me when I needed him to be a "tough guy". He was always trying to intimidate my boyfriends when I was younger, and even as I got older. He would never let anyone even THINK of hurting me. I constantly tease him and he returns the gesture, but deep down... wayyy down there... like, if you put on your scuba gear and went way down inside to the bottom of my heart... You'd see that he is the best big brother I could have ever asked for, and I love him way more than he realizes. He is now a father to a BEAUTIFUL baby girl named Kinsley, and her mother, Jerrica, is just as beautiful. Together they make a wonderful, beautiful, happy little family.
Les & Corey
These two guys have been a blessing to our family. My mom recently remarried, and added another target -- I mean... Brother into my family portrait. Les and Corey are great guys and we have already grown close to each other as a family. I am so lucky to have them in my life.
The Woman in the white shirt My mom, Tammy... Otherwise known as "FannyMay" or "Tamantha"(don't get mad mom... Just keep reading...) is the strongest, most loving woman I know. She has been through so many trials and tribulations you would think she would be so broken and fragile. That's not my mom. Every single negative curveball that has been thrown at her, she has caught, thrown right back in the devil's face, and came out 10 times stronger. She has a tender heart, but a POWERFUL soul! I love her so much and thank God for choosing her to be my mother.
I truly enjoyed seeing the excitement on your face while we took family pictures together, and I hope you get tons of pictures to keep, hang, share, etc... but more importantly, I hope that you had the time of your life making memories with your loved ones.
I love you so much, and will forever be grateful to live this life God allowed YOU to give me.
In Loving Memory of Kyle Ryan Casey 7/23/1992 - 12/20/2013
I come to you this morning with a heavy heart. I woke up and the first Facebook status I see was from Kyle. The next thing I know, I'm at work and all I see on my news feed is RIP Kyle Casey; he had died in a car accident. Everyone is in complete shock.
It is so scary how fast life can be taken from you. Although God has a reason for everything, it's still very hard for us to grasp when it happens.
Kyle left behind a daughter, while joining his other in Heaven. I can't imagine the hurt of the little one, but I can just picture the angel that left us not long ago, running to her Daddy with open arms. Addison was less than a year old when she flew up to Heaven, and now she is ready to have her Daddy there to take care of her. Being so close to Christmas, she must have asked Santa for her Daddy, and now they can be together forever.
To Laura Rose, the mother of Kylie Grace Casey, I pray for your strength as you morn the loss of her father.
To Kevin Casey, Kyle's brother, my heart hurts the most for you, as I knew how much you boys loved each other.
For the rest of the family, be strong. Let him see you smile, and know that he is with his little girl... Running, and playing.
Hello everyone. Today I wanted to share with you guys (almost) all of my DIY Christmas decorations. I say almost because I will more than likely be adding a little more before Christmas actually gets here. :) I can't help myself.
These are not part of my DIYs, I just took this cool picture when we were testing out the lights that WERE going to be put on the house. Matthew got them out the day they were supposed to go up on the roof, but we discovered a short in them and had to take them back. It was a bummer, and we didn't even feel like messing with them anymore this year, so we decided to just wait until next year when we can get an earlier start.
These are probably my favorite. They were super easy, but they are soooo beautiful sitting in the middle of the dining room table. I love making my own centerpieces. I can't see myself spending all the money on one from Pier 1 or somewhere like that when it's so much more worth it (and a LOT cheaper) just to make my own. -I had a bunch of empty wine bottles that I removed the labels from for crafting and I spray painted these a metallic silver (not necessary, but I wanted an extra shiny effect) -Epsom Salt makes the snowy looking stuff on the bottles (the Target brand is cheap and it works just as good)
-Paint the bottles with Mod Podge and then poured the Epsom Salt over them to cover the whole bottle -The pretty silver glittery stuff that's sticking out of the tops came from Target (I can't remember how much they were, but they were cheap!) -The silver pine cones, the snowflakes, and the ornaments all came together in a pack at Target. (ps I love Target) -I also got the serving dish from target for around 14 dollars, and you can't really see it but there is some artificial snow in the bottom of the dish that also came from target for like 3 bucks for a big box of it!
This is our fireplace in the living room. The poinsettias are no longer there because they are poisonous to dogs, and you know I can't risk anything happening to KaylaBug! -The top garland was some cheap gold, green, and red garland from Target that I just twisted with some battery powered lights and laid across the mantle. -The silver owl wax warmer came from target too (I think it was around $16) -The glittery polar bear and snowman came from the dollar store. -I made the draping garland by just stringing dollar store ornaments onto a piece of ribbon and added a big gold glittery bell (dollar store) to the center.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree! It now has a big red bow on top, but I didn't take an updated picture(sorry!!!). It also has presents under it now :D My dream home would have super tall ceilings so I can have a big ol' 12 foot Christmas tree! A girl can dream, can't she?
Remember the BIG box of fake snow I was telling you I got from Target for 3 bucks? Well, I had to find a place for the leftover stuff (including the extra snowflakes and ornaments)... So I took out all of the stuff that was in this bowl in the guest bathroom and made it Christmas-y :D Pretty!
I went to Wal-Mart yesterday after work FOR FACE WASH... And left with 3 of these wreath forms. I came home and made this one for the mirror in the dining room to match the centerpiece, and I have plans for the other two (which is why I said I was more than likely going to be adding more decorations before Christmas day). Don't judge me... It's addicting!
Y'all, I bought so many ornaments from the dollar store it ain't even funny! I decided to make an ornament wreath to go along with all of my other ornament decorations, only I decided to do silver and gold only for the outside wreath... That way if I don't want to change it all winter, it will be A OKAY! I had my spring wreath up all through summer and finally changed it for fall! I have to get better with my timing.
Then I went Black Friday shopping and got these two outdoor Christmas trees from Belk for $39! (Look at that cutie patootie in the window!)
For the next part you're about to witness... I NEEDED some liquid encouragement. (and I wanted to show you guys my festive nails)
This year I decided to do DIY gifts... I won't get any more specific than that in case some of the recipients are reading this (ya little nosies... lol) Although this is a cheaper route... It is a lot more stressful... Especially for the amount of these I am making!
THIS is what I meant when I said I needed some "encouragement". It took a lot of guts for me to jump into this sea of crazy!
Now, time to relax and wait for the Christmas festivities to begin!
After it is all said and done, it's always worth it to see the ones you love happy.
I hope everyone has a very blessed and Merry Christmas!