Many people have many different things in their home that bother them; things that they wish they could make nicer or "easier on the eye". For me, one of the worst things to look at is underneath the bathroom sinks... Such a dark, scary place.
So this weekend, I made it my goal to change that. It was a somewhat quick and affordable project and the outcome transformed it from night to day. Keep reading to see how I took my dark and disorganized bathroom sink to a bright and delightful storage display!
Here is a preview of what the inside of our guest bathroom sink looked like BEFORE the makeover:
Yeah, I know... It's gross. BUT!!!! That only makes me more excited to share the end result with you!
Before I show you how I transformed this mess into an attractive storage cabinet, let me show you the bare inside so you see the full empty space and how far back that pile of junk I had crammed in there really goes!
Don't be alarmed, those are not rat pellets...
they are little berry thingies that came off of an
artificial plant that the previous home owners had ;)
Let's get started!
What I used:
-Particle Board (Home Depot... Should have gone to Lowe's... I'll explain later)
-White Spray Paint (Home Depot... Should have used regular paint... Hey... This was a LEARNING EXPERIENCE!)
-White Fabric (I used some cheap white bed sheets from Target ;)... A lot cheaper than the fabric store)
-White Foam Boards (Dollar Tree)
Here's a super fancy little picture I made with Paint to explain how I put this thing together! You'll use the measurements of your own sink, so I did not share measurements... ANNNDDDD, the guy at Home Depot got them wrong anyway, so I had to mess with it to get it to work... There's my explanation of why you should go to Lowe's instead.
You can use whatever you like to attach everything... I used E6000 for the fabric-covered foam boards but you can also use hot glue... just don't try to use Elmer's Glue... Just... Don't. It's not smart.
Also, I did NOT attach any of the shelving because I had to mess with it so much to get it to fit (thanks to the guy at Home Depot), and it was such a tight squeeze that they held themselves in there pretty good on their own.
All of the border panels are just chilling up against the wall as well, since I did not want this to be permanent.
Soooooooooooooo, DRUM ROLL PLEASE....... Here's the end result:

I got the little glass dish from the thrift store for 2 bucks and spray painted it as well to match the colors in the guest bathroom. Oh, and don't those rags look so cute and fancy with the little burlap string tied in a bow?!
From now on, I will no longer dread opening these cabinets afraid of what may jump out at me. It is now brightened and nicely organized so I can see everything I have in one place.
Now to work on the Master bathroom cabinets!!!!!! (Insert horrifying sound clip here!) .... To be continued. Dun DUN DUUUNNNNN
You are the smartest! !! I love the laid out plans and instructions!!!